The Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration Serve the Global Elite

by Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism:

Huma Abedin, who is the top aide to Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, has been accused of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a terrorist group that is working directly with the CIA in toppling governments through fake revolutions and domestic terrorism.

Michele Bachmann has been receiving heat from her political peers for having written a letter to the Inspector General of the US State Department, in which she stated that Abedin’s family members (specifically her deceased father, mother and brother) are not only tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, but involved directly with the faction.

Bachmann’s letter to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cited that “political correctness” overtakes the clear and present threat to the US government from Muslim radicals domestic and foreign. “In practice, this has translated into direction that amounts to ignoring pre-violent jihadist behavior–no matter how threatening–as long as it can be construed as ‘constitutionally protected.’”

Bachmann admonished Obama to revise his foreign relations policy.
The outing of Abedin and her Muslim Brotherhood ties has been turned into an attack on religious freedom .

Bachmann’s assertions are true . In fact, Abedin’s mother, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin is “one of the founding members of the Muslim Sisterhood” and a “long-time chairperson of the “International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child” (IICWC), which wants to impose Sharia law on Egypt, and eventually, the West.”

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