Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America

[ED NOTE: Martial Law will commence in America when the economic issues tighten and pieces of the puzzle start to fall in to place, If you are reading this your are among the 1% of humanity that knows this]


by Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism:

The US government has been scheming on how to provide for continuity of government for many decades now. According to Peter Santilli, an informant who is an ex-marine and worked on portions of the contingency plans known as Rex 84, civil unrest will come after a financial collapse.

The Readiness Exercise 1984, a.k.a. Rex 84, outlines continuity of government wherein the US Constitution is suspended, martial law is declared and the US military command take over state and local governments in order to ensure stabilization of our nation at any cost. Any American who is deemed a “national security threat” would be detained in an interment or FEMA camp.

The author of Rex 84 was Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, National Security Council (NSC) White House aids and NSC liaison to FEMA.

Rex 84 is the plan; the triggers are a series of executive orders . It is the continuity of government under specific contingency strategies that are laid out in various operations guide manuals. Operation Garden Plot is a subprogram of Rex 84.

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  1. Gvt. Preps For Economic Collapse With Military Police State. « The Jeenyus Corner - August 4, 2012

    […] Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America ( […]

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