MintChip: ‘The Evolution of Currency’ – Doorway to the Mark of the Beast

by SGT,

The Royal Canadian Mint recently introduced the MintChip and they say “it’s better than cash.”

MintChip stores your money in digital bites. A the promotional video touts, “Today’s digital economy is changing faster than ever. And currency has to change too… Money as we know it, is fine, for today. But tomorrow is a different story. MintChip is currency in a digital form. Using a chip you securely load value onto a smart phone, USB device, tablet or cloud, MintChip is better than cash.”



The claim is that a MintChip transaction is completely private. But the truth is that only cash, HARD cash (or better yet, physical silver and gold) can maintain your personal financial sovereignty. A cashless society is a Luciferian Bankster’s wet dream end game. And it must not be allowed.

The Bankster’s have raped and pillaged every aspect of our society since the inception of the privately owned Federal Reserve System in 1913. According to the limited GAO audit of the Federal Reserve that was mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the grand total of all the secret bailouts conducted by the Federal Reserve during the last financial crisis was $16.1 trillion.

So let’s recap: The international banking elite has given the world $700+ Trillion in derivatives fraud, the HSBC drug laundering fraud, the MF Global fraud, the high frequency trading pilfering and stock market fraud, the manipulation of the precious metals and bond market fraud, the MERS mortgage fraud, nearly countless individual frauds from both Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, and the international LIBOR interest rate fixing banking fraud, just to name but a few recent FRAUDS and breaches of Bankster credibility and trustworthiness.

Why on earth you would trust these criminals with your money on a chip? Read More…

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