The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
August 13, 2012

Kelly Keisling, Tennessee state Representative, is concerned that the Obama administration and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are planning events that will lead to “martial law”.

The DHS are seeking to hire “role players” for TSA and Air Marshall programs beginning in December 2012.

The use of role players facilitates training exercises for the US armed forces. Those same training exercises that were conducted during the 9/11 attacks which caused confusion and may have been the catalyst to allowing for the globalist-controlled destruction the Twin Towers to go through without disruption.

Private sector persons provided by the DHS could and probably would be used to create a false flag attack by their mere presence.

The solicitation and culmination of this possible coming false flag may be on or around the time of December 2012. With the assistance of Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, the suspension of the 2012 elections could be declared with an executive order for preservation of continuity of government.

The planned false flag attack, according to a DHS whistleblower , will be a staged assignation attempt on Obama that will be linked to a white supremacist group that will be used to incite black and Hispanic Americans into starting riots all across the nation.

This race war will be the situation needed to implement martial law effectively locking down the US, US Army control of the urban cities, erecting DHS checkpoints on all major points of travel, severe restrictions on travel for all citizens and the suspension of elections to ensure that Obama remain seated as the President of the US.

The DHS informant stated: “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.”

The DHS informant stressed that by using the Arab Spring as a model, riots would be staged in a “controlled chaos” as was “envisioned by these conspirators are riots starting in urban areas such as New York, followed by a disruption of business and commerce. They want to restrict travel, if not through high energy prices, then by checkpoints and curfews mandated by the rioting and unrest…The whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic.”

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