Tag Archives: Washington D.C.

Micro-Drones Combined With DNA Hacking Could Create A Very Scary Future

by Robert Johnson, BusinessInsider:


Sightings of insect-sized micro drones have been occurring for years, but combined with the direction of genome sequencing outlined in this Atlantic piece — the pair make for a futuristic and potentially deadly mix.


Even back in 2007, when Vanessa Alarcon was a college student attending an anti-war protest in Washington, D.C. she heard someone shout, “Oh my God, look at those.”

“I look up and I’m like, ‘What the hell is that?’” she told The Washington Post. “They looked like dragonflies or little helicopters. But I mean, those are not insects,” she continued.

A lawyer there at the time confirmed they looked like dragonflies, but that they “definitely weren’t insects”.

Read More @ BusinessInsider.com

Eugenics? YES WE CAN!! New Obamacare Regulation Makes Sterilization 100% Free… They Want To Sterilize American Women!

from End of the American Dream:

Did you know that sterilization will be 100% free for all American women under Obamacare? A new regulation that goes into effect on August 1st requires that health plans cover sterilization for all women with “reproductive capacity”. That includes teenage girls. According to the new regulation, women must have access to sterilization “without having to pay a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible.” So women will not have to pay a single penny out of pocket if they want to get sterilized. Of course this sterilization mandate will make health insurance more expensive for all of us, but the social engineers in Washington D.C. feel that increasing access to sterilization is a very important public policy goal. So why are they doing this? They are doing this because they love death. They truly believe that they are saving the planet by reducing human numbers. That is why “family planning” is always at the very heart of the “green agenda”. They want to sterilize women because that will help keep the population down. And if there are less people running around, there will be less of us to ruin “their planet” with all of our pollution.

Read More @ EndoftheAmericanDream.com

Is the U.S. losing faith in its own dollar? Bills proposed in more than a dozen states to make gold and silver legal currency for use

by Mark Duell, Daily Mail:


U.S. politicians are rapidly losing faith in the dollar, with more than a dozen states proposing legislation to legalise gold and silver as a currency.

Politicians in Colorado concerned about the nation’s financial stability are the latest to push a bill to legalise gold and silver coins as usable currency.

But from a consumer angle the conservative bill would not lead to people carrying gold nuggets in their purses and would have little practical effect.




The GOP proposal reflects anxieties about the domestic consequences of the European debt crisis and chronic deficit spending in Washington D.C.

‘There are lots of concerns about the U.S. monetary system,’ said the bill’s sponsor, Republican Senator Kent Lambert of Colorado Springs.

‘There’s no way to maintain the value of anything if countries start a race to the bottom by inflating their currency to get out of debt.’

Read More @ DailyMail.co.uk