Tag Archives: Martial Law

*RED ALERT: FEMA Making Preparations to Postpone Presidential Elections in Wake of Sandy

from Silver Doctors:

FEMA has just reported that they are preparing for Hurricane Sandy to disrupt next Tuesday’s Presidential elections.

Will Obama declare Martial Law along the US east coast due to the massive devastation and become the defacto der fuhrer by suspending elections? 

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is preparing for Hurricane Sandy to disrupt next week’s elections, agency Administrator Craig Fugate said Monday afternoon.

From Politico:

We are anticipating that, based on the storm, there could be impacts that would linger into next week and have impacts on the federal election,” Fugate said on a conference call with reporters.

Read More @ Silver Doctors

Civil Unrest Planned by CIA and Department of Homeland Security


[ED NOTE: We believe in being prepared for an economic collapse. So if you had to prepare for something, please prepare for that. Whilst other people have different ideas on the future, Just choose to be on the winning side, The prepper side]



The fix is in! The Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security have been working covertly to orchestrate a scenario in which there will be widespread civil unrest throughout the United States. How are they going to pull this off? It will begin with the economic collapse which will be followed by food shortages and violence. When these events occur, all hell will break loose in the United States, especially in the cities. This will result in the need for martial law, according to Ret. General William Boykin. Boykin noted that the U.S. economy is on the verge of collapse. For the Illuminati, this cannot come soon enough. Why? Because the arrival of Nibiru or Planet X and the subsequent disasters will make it difficult for those that are in power to remain in power. But, if there is a system of martial law in place,the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, or the arrival of Nibiru will only give more reason to clamp down the controls. Be safe and be ready. Prepare now:


Alex Jones On Tanks In The Streets in St. Louis

Monday, June 25, 2012

St Louis City residents have been warned to not be alarmed at the sight of U.S. Army tanks rolling down residential neighborhoods after sightings of the vehicles provoked fears of martial law.


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Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Public Affairs Director falsely claims document does not apply within U.S.

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

After a reader sent Wood a link to where the manual, entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), can be downloaded on the army.mil website (but only by military employees with special credentials), Wood responded by stating that the document should not be in the public domain.

“The document was not intended for public release,” said Wood, adding, “Any other questions regarding the document, you will need to file a FOIA request.”

This means that either hackers have obtained access to a secure military website and downloaded the manual or it was leaked by a military employee concerned about the content of the document.

As we have exhaustively illustrated, the document is a training manual for U.S. Army personnel that details how to treat detainees incarcerated in prison camps both abroad and inside the United States.

The manual outlines how officers will develop programs to “indoctrinate” “political activists” incarcerated in detention camps into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.” The document also explains how “reeducating the I/R facility population or setting the stage for acceptance of future operations,” is the responsibility of ‘PSYOP’ personnel within the camp.

The document also makes clear that the internment facility is not only a re-education camp but also a forced labor camp. Page 277 of the manual states, “Detainees constitute a significant labor force of skilled and unskilled individuals. These individuals should be employed to the fullest extent possible in work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility.”

The manual also directs that political activists be confined to isolation and that prisoners be silenced using by “muffling them with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the backs of their heads.”

In her email response, Wood falsely claims that, “The document is intended for operations outside of the continental United States. Depending on the nature and magnitude of an event will determine the level of U.S. military involvement.”

As we have proven using only direct quotations and screenshots from the manual, it is clearly designed to be applied both abroad and “within U.S. territory,” including against “civilian detainees” incarcerated for “security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power,” as part of “domestic civil support operations” involving FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.

The manual also details how prisoners will be identified by their “social security number,” another glaring confirmation that the rules apply to U.S. citizens.

The document makes it clear on page 193 that the rules apply to processing American detainees on U.S. soil so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the U.S. military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

It is clear from Wood’s response that she has either not read the documents properly or has been directed to downplay their significance by asserting they do not apply within the United States, a claim clearly disproved by the numerous references within the manual to how its instructions can be applied as part of “domestic civil support operations.”

Read the full email from Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood below.

Would The Media Be Interested If Assad Set Up Re-Education Labor Camps For Political Dissidents?

Corporate press blacklists chilling revelations

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Monday, May 7, 2012

A couple of months ago, the mainstream media got all excited about leaked emails from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ‘bombshell’ revelations such as the fact that Assad’s wife likes to spend a lot of money on expensive furniture.

Would that same corporate press be interested if documents were leaked showing that Assad’s military forces had set up detention camps in which they planned to incarcerate political activists and subject them to re-education programs and slave labor?

Of course it would, the story would be all over CNN, ABC and Fox News. The documents would be heralded as chilling evidence that Assad is in charge of a dictatorial regime that plans to kidnap demonstrators and imprison them in North Korean-style gulags.

The documents would be held up as solid justification for a swift NATO military action in the name of ‘humanitarian intervention’.

And yet last week we had the release of documents which prove the existence of re-education forced labor camps for political dissidents not only abroad but inside the United States itself! An even more shocking story you would imagine?

And the reaction from the mainstream media? You could hear a pin drop.

We have now exhaustively proven in a series of articles that the U.S. Army is training its personnel, through the policies outlined in a manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), to “indoctrinate” “political activists” incarcerated in detention camps into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”//

  • On page 281 of the manual we even see the use of the term itself when we learn that the role of camp personnel is focused around, “reorienting or reeducating the I/R facility population or setting the stage for acceptance of future operations.”

These camp prisoners are to include “civilian internees” detained “within U.S. territory” as part of “civil support operations” in the aftermath of “man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories” involving FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.

The manual also directs such prisoners to be used for slave labor “In work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility,” in other words building and maintaining their own detention camp.

The manual also directs that political activists be confined to isolation and that prisoners be silenced using by “muffling them with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the backs of their heads.”

To reiterate – all of these policies outlined in the Army’s manual can be applied to U.S. citizens on American soil so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the U.S. military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

If President Bashar al-Assad was directing his military forces to round-up political activists and use them for slave labor in re-education camps, the international outcry would be deafening, the media circus would be off the charts.

Yet all this is already in black and white, already on the books, ready and waiting to be used domestically in the aftermath of the next major terrorist attack or natural disaster – and the mainstream media has completely ignored it.

The story has been blacklisted.

Alex Jones: Obama’s Executive Order facilitates martial-law

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Last Friday evening, President Obama signed an Executive Order giving him the power to implement martial law in the US. The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order will give Obama the power to seize the countries resources in a time of crisis or peace. This includes resources ranging from livestock to sources of energy and water. Many critics of the Obama Administration believe this is another effort at power grab, but others argue that EO update is irrelevant. Alex Jones, host of The Alex Jones Show, joins us with his take on the EO.


UK Riots: Government Prepares Troops, Martial Law

Eyewitnesses: Police stood back and allowed rioters to loot private businesses

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Following numerous reports of failures on behalf  of police to arrest looters or adequately respond to the riots in London that  are now sweeping across the entire UK, curfews and troops on the streets are now  being readied as authorities prepare to enforce martial law to quell massive  civil unrest.

BBC News twice reported this morning that troops  were being readied. The statement was first made by a reporter at 8:30am and  then repeated by a Metropolitan Police representative who said “all options were  on the table”.

U.K.  Home Secretary Theresa May confirms that the government is considering  “military support for the police”.

Curfews are also being discussed as authorities  prepare to transform Britain into a locked down police state.

“Armoured vehicles have been brought in to clear  the streets for the first time by police to tackle what senior officers say is  the worst rioting and looting in living memory,” reports  the Guardian.

“I have not heard of a curfew on mainland Britain  in the past century. [It’s] very difficult to impose. I’m not saying that it is  definitely the way forward but it is something we have to consider,” Diane  Abbott, Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington told BBC  Breakfast.

Former London mayor Ken Livingstone called for police to use water  cannons to disperse the rioters.

Having started in poorer areas of London, the  riots have now spread to other major cities including Bristol, Nottingham,  Liverpool and Manchester.

There can be little doubt that the vast majority  of the rioters are products of the country’s broken society, nihilistic youths  who care little about political grievances and are primarily focused with  exploiting the chaos to steal as much booty as they possibly can while getting  off on mindless violence. This behavior ensures the public will overwhelmingly  support whatever measures are proposed to deal with them, even to the point of  outright martial law.


These youths should not be seen as the vanguard of  some kind of genuine revolution against an abusive system. If that were the case  they would be rioting outside of Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament and  Buckingham Palace. Instead they are burning down private homes and businesses  while looting high-end electrical goods and clothing.

But what has exacerbated the situation is the  lackluster police response, with numerous reports from the public that police  stood back and allowed looters to pillage both large department stores and  private small businesses for hours on end.

During the initial riots in Tottenham on Sunday  night, police were criticized for “standing back and allowing rioters to cause havoc.” This trend has  continued throughout the three nights of mayhem, with eyewitnesses bewildered at  how the police have obviously been ordered not to arrest looters and rioters in  some instances.

We have been predicting the onset of widespread  rioting and civil unrest for years, particularly in the UK. Last  year we wrote that crippling austerity cuts would force the economically  deprived to “take to the streets with a mind set of nothing to lose if the  government handouts they have become dependent on are drastically reduced.”

Make no mistake about it, these riots will be  hastily exploited by the system to turn Britain into an even more controlled and  surveilled police state than it already is. The riots achieve absolutely nothing  aside from making the establishment look reasonable in whatever response it  takes, measures which will be fully supported by a public bombarded with images  of chaos, looting and burning.