Tag Archives: twitter

Super Storm Sandy Updates

from Off Grid Survival:

As Hurricane Sandy Prepares to make landfall here are the latest updates:

6:00 p.m. EST: Over 1.5 million homes now without power across the east coast.

4:00 p.m. EST:

  • 500,000 without power as storm moves closer to land.
  • Virginia Beach, VA now reporting over 9.00″of rain.

2:00 p.m. EST: For all the people who wonder why we tell you to be prepared, check out some of these pictures that people are posting on Twitter and then ask yourself if this is the situation you want to find yourself in during an emergency…..

empty grocery shelves

grocery store during hurricane sandy

No food during Sandy

Empty Aisles

Food Store Aisles during Hurricane

12:35 p.m. EST:

  • Virginia Beach, VA has already reported over 8″ of rain from Hurricane Sandy
  • Delaware Governor warns “People should be prepared to be without power for a week or more.”

12:25 p.m. EST: Surge Flooding starting in Atlantic City ahead of Hurricane Sandy

Surge Flooding from Hurricane Sandy

11:45 a.m. EST: Runways starting to flood at both LaGuardia Airport and JFK

LaGuardia Airport Flooding

10:45 a.m. EST: With the storm still a couple hundred miles away, East Haven, Connecticut is already seeing significant flooding.

East Haven, Connecticut Flooding

10:45 a.m. EST: Hudson River already starting to fill up with surge waters.

Hudson River


Read More @ OffGridSurvival.com

Gangs Plan Hurricane Looting Spree Via Twitter

New York National Guard to “protect against looting”

by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet:


Scores of Twitter users have flooded the social networking site announcing their plans to go on looting sprees once Hurricane Sandy makes landfall, as the New York National Guard announced it would put troops on duty in Long Island to prevent such activity.

1,175 New York National Guard troops have been mobilized to “provide command and control and logistical support” in New York City, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and the Southern Tier. According to NBC New York, the troops will also be on hand to “protect against looting.”

They might well be needed given the fact that a deluge of Twitter users are using the website to appeal to others to join them in exploiting the chaos generated by the superstorm to ransack stores.

Read More @ PrisonPlanet.com

Silver: Supply and Demand

Silver: Supply and Demand

Published on Jul 24, 2012 by

Ever wonder how supply and demand affects the price of silver? It’s not as simple as you may think. This educational video explores the economics of silver and its various uses for industrial demand. Visit http://www.edrsilver.com for more information. Presented by Endeavour Silver Corp. as part of an ongoing series of educational films on all things silver.



Silver: Supply and Demand Part 2, Investment Demand

Published on Aug 23, 2012 by

This educational video looks at how and why people invest in silver. While economic, socio-political and psychological forces play a large part in determining the price of silver, it all comes back to the basic principles of supply and demand.
Visit http://www.edrsilver.com for more information. Presented by Endeavour Silver Corp. as part of an ongoing series of educational films on all things silver. Check us out on Twitter: @EDRSilverCorp

CISPA: Draconian Bill Would Forces Companies to Spy for The FED

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A coalition of advocacy groups has begun a week of intensive protests against the latest attack on the free and open internet, The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). The draconian legislation would force companies to ignore existing privacy laws and share information with the federal government.


HEADS UP: ‘Anonymous’ Threatened to Take Down the Internet TODAY… or Not.

from NPR:

The mysterious group of hackers who go by the name “Anonymous” have threatened to take down the Internet on Saturday. Or not.

The confusion comes from the very nature of the group, which is amorphous and has no identifiable leadership. Several weeks ago, a group identifying itself as Anonymous announced “Operation Global Blackout,” the effect of which would be to bring Web surfing to a halt.

Cybersecurity experts doubt the operation would have more than a limited effect, given the layers of protection built into the Internet architecture.

The Anonymous group itself, meanwhile, appeared divided over the plan. A Twitter account normally associated with Anonymous included several statements on Friday denying any effort to shut down the Internet.

“For the billionth time: #Anonymous will not shut down the Internet on 31 March,” said one.

“What is this #OperationGlobalBlackout nonsense?” said another. “Stop asking us about it!”

The contradictions highlighted the difficulty of assessing whether a hacking threat should be attributed to Anonymous or to hackers merely posing as Anonymous

Read More @ NPR.org

RAND Collected Iranian Tweets For U.S. “National Security Agenda”

Jurriaan Maessen
March 22, 2012

Whenever you post something, anything, on Twitter or Facebook- or any other form of “social media” for that matter- know that they will be picked up, stored and analyzed by a RAND-corporation social scientist.

In a document titled Using Social Media to Gauge Iranian Public Opinion and Mood After the 2009 Electionthe authors have set out to reveal their findings after having collected thousands of tweets from the Iranian people in the months following the Iranian elections of 2009. The globalist think tank complained about the shortcomings of just scanning through Iranian blogs and such. In order to assess the Iranian zeitgeist, RAND turned to an extraordinary computer-program called LIWC:

“Given the shortcomings of the manual approach, using a computerized method to study the content of social media can serve as a useful complement, compensating for some of these limitations. Such a tool exists: an automated content analysis program called “Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2007” (LIWC, pronounced “Luke”).”

“Focusing on Twitter, we used LIWC as a means of tapping into Iranian public opinion and mood during the tumultuous months following the highly controversial 2009 presidential election”, the report states.

Admitting that the probing and analyzing of Iranian tweets serves the national security interests of the United States, the RAND researchers in the same breath admit:

“Given that LIWC is largely untried in non-Western political contexts, we used Iran during this period as a test case. On the one hand, we sought to shed light on how public opinion and mood evolved after the 2009 election. But at the same time, we intended to examine the validity of a new methodology—one incorporating the LIWC tool—for analyzing foreign public sentiment on political topics, as expressed through the social media platform, Twitter.”

The results, according to the authors, are so full of promise that they seek to expand the program even further. Under the header “Expanding the Scope of the Current Work” they state:

“To extend this current work, applying the methodology to other forms of social media is an obvious next step. For instance, we have conducted initial analyses of Iranian, Persian-language blogs, and of political leaders’ Facebook postings, which are not reported here.”

The authors are aware of the implications of their research when it comes to national security “interests”:

“We could also extend the current research by looking across more than one country at a time to gauge the sentiments that social media users in each country express on topics of interest to them all.”, the report continues.

“For example, using the current methodology, it is possible to compare sentiments expressed across Iran, Pakistan, and other countries on topics including the United States, nuclear weapons, and domestic political issues. Other extensions of the current research could focus on Asian countries that are high on the national security agenda, such as China and Taiwan, or on Middle Eastern countries where political protests in early 2011 were reportedly influenced by social media use, such as Egypt and Tunisia.

Because the methods used by RAND were retrospective in nature, the authors envision using this and other software for monitoring of international conflicts “as they unfold”:

“A final way to extend the current methodology is to build a real-time tracking tool for social media texts. Such a tool could automatically download texts as they are posted, run them through a parsing algorithm, and place them into a database for processing through LIWC (or other software). Using such a tool, it would be possible to view and analyze patterns in written texts almost as quickly as they unfold. Given the policy relevance of our findings, these recommendations for validation and extensions of the methodology illustrate the potential of analyzing social media to understand public mood and opinion in various populations of interest.”

This expanded RAND-program is no doubt already fully operational, as the new world order further tightens its grip on all of humanity.

The Federal Reserve Plans To Identify “Key Bloggers” And Monitor Billions Of Conversations About The Fed On Facebook, Twitter, Forums And Blogs

from The Economic Collapse Blog:

The Federal Reserve wants to know what you are saying about it.  In fact, the Federal Reserve has announced plans to identify “key bloggers” and to monitor “billions of conversations” about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs.  This is yet another sign that the alternative media is having a dramatic impact.  As first reported on Zero Hedge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has issued a “Request for Proposal” to suppliers who may be interested in participating in the development of a “Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution”.  In other words, the Federal Reserve wants to develop a highly sophisticated system that will gather everything that you and I say about the Federal Reserve on the Internet and that will analyze what our feelings about the Fed are.  Obviously, any “positive” feelings about the Fed would not be a problem.  What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively.  It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign.

You can read this “Request for Proposal” right here.  Posted below are some of the key quotes from the document (in bold) with some of my own commentary in between the quotes….

Read More @ TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

The American Dream
Aug 16, 2011

Are you ready for Big Brother 2.0? If you think that the hundreds of ways that the government watches, monitors, tracks and controls us now are bad, just wait until you see what is coming. We live in an age when paranoia is running wild. As technology continues to develop at an exponential pace, governments all over the globe are going to discover a multitude of new ways to spy on us and control our behavior. In a world where everyone is a “potential terrorist”, we are told that things like liberty, freedom and privacy are “luxuries” that we can no longer afford. We are assured that if we just allow the government to watch all of us and investigate all of us that somehow that will keep us all safe. But it isn’t just the government that is watching us. Now we are being taught to spy on one another and to report any trace of “suspicious activity” to the government immediately. The entire civilized world is being transformed into one giant prison grid, and many of the new technologies that are now being introduced are going to make things even worse.

The following are 10 new ways that the government will be spying on you and controlling your behavior….

#1 Are you ready for “electronic skin tattoos”? One team of researchers has created an extremely thin, extremely flexible “smart skin” that will open up a whole new world of possibilities. Wearing “skin-mounted electronics” might seem like a great idea to tech geeks, but it also could create a whole lot of new problems. The following is how an article in one UK newspaper described this new breakthrough….

The “epidermal electronic system” relies on a highly flexible electrical circuit composed of snake-like conducting channels that can bend and stretch without affecting performance. The circuit is about the size of a postage stamp, is thinner than a human hair and sticks to the skin by natural electrostatic forces rather than glue.

Yes, this kind of technology would be a great way to connect wirelessly to the Internet and it would be helpful for doctors that need to monitor their patients, but the potential for abuse is also there.

Once this type of technology becomes widespread, governments will be able to monitor the location and activities of their citizens like never before.

In addition, this type of technology could one day become mandated by governments. For example, someday you may be required to have an “electronic skin tatoo” in order to prove your identity or to participate in commerce.

Also, it is not too far of a stretch to imagine that “skin-mounted electronics” could be used to control large populations. Just remember, if you connect yourself physically to the Internet, that also means that the Internet is connected to you.

#2 According to a shocking document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of “suspicious activity” to them. According to the document, “suspicious activity” now includes….

-paying with cash

-missing a hand or fingers

-”strange odors”

-making “extreme religious statements”

-”radical theology”

-purchasing weatherproofed ammunition or match containers

-purchasing meals ready to eat

-purchasing night vision devices, night flashlights or gas masks

According to WorldNetDaily, this document is part of a “series of brochures” that will be distributed “to farm supply stores, gun shops, military surplus stores and even hotels and motels.”

#3 The U.S. military has developed an invisible “pain ray” that is remarkably effective. The following is how a recent article posted on Alternet described this weapon….

It sounds like a weapon out of Star Wars. The Active Denial System, or ADS, works like an open-air microwave oven, projecting a focused beam of electromagnetic radiation to heat the skin of its targets to 130 degrees. This creates an intolerable burning sensation forcing those in its path to instinctively flee (a response the Air Force dubs the “goodbye effect“).

Sadly, this weapon is already being used in American prisons. How long will it be before it is used on the general population?

#4 Be careful about what you put up on Facebook or Twitter. Law enforcement agencies all over the globe are now focusing on social media as never before. For example, the NYPD has just created a special “social media” unitdedicated to looking for criminals on Facebook and Twitter.

#5 Facial recognition technology has now come of age. With the millions of security cameras that are going up all over the world, such technology is proving to be very useful for law enforcement authorities. In fact, police in London are using it to track down people that were involved in the London riots. The following is an excerpt from a recent CBC report that described these efforts….

Facial recognition technology being considered for London’s 2012 Games is getting a workout in the wake of Britain’s riots, with officers feeding photographs of suspects through Scotland Yard’s newly updated face-matching program.

Facial recognition technology is rapidly going to become part of our everyday lives. In fact, now even Facebook is using it. Eventually it is going to become very difficult to avoid the reach of this technology.

#6 “Smart meters” are going into homes all over North America and Europe. These smart meters monitor your home every single minute of every single day and they transmit very sophisticated data about your personal behavior back to the utility company.

They are already being used by police all over the United States in drug cases. If a smart meter catches you using an “unusual” amount of energy there is a good chance that your home will be raided.

The European Parliament has set a goal of having smart meters in the homes of80 percent of all electricity consumers by the year 2020, and Barack Obama is working very hard to get them into as many American homes as he can.

#7 Our children are being trained to accept being under surveillance almost constantly. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending huge amounts of money to install surveillance cameras in the cafeterias of U.S. public schools so that government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating.

#8 Perhaps you thought that only Tom Cruise had to worry about “pre-crime”. Well, now “pre-crime” is popping up in the real world too. The Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice has announced that it will begin using analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents and will place “potential offenders” in specific prevention and education programs.

#9 According to the ACLU, state police in Michigan are now using “extraction devices” to download data from the cellphones of motorists that they pull over. This is taking place even if those pulled over are not accused of doing anything wrong.

The following is how an article on CNET News described the capabilities of these “extraction devices”….

The devices, sold by a company called Cellebrite, can download text messages, photos, video, and even GPS data from most brands of cell phones. The handheld machines have various interfaces to work with different models and can even bypass security passwords and access some information.

#10 LRAD sound cannons are already been used by law enforcement authorities to disperse large crowds inside the United States. So how much “damage” can sound do? Well, it turns out that sound can actually do a whole lot of damage. The following is how Alternet describes these cruel weapons….

The Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD, built by American Technology Corporation, focuses and broadcasts sound over ranges of up to hundreds of yards. LRAD has been around for years, but Americans first took notice when police used it in Pittsburgh to ward off protesters at the 2009 G-20 summit. It is generally used in two ways: as a megaphone to order protesters to disperse; or, if they disobey, as an “ear-splitting siren” to drive them away. While LRAD may not be deadly, it can permanently damage hearing, depending on how it’s used.

LRAD sound cannons do not discriminate. When they are being used to disperse protesters, any innocent bystanders in the area will be affected as well. If anyone gets too close to an LRAD sound cannon while it is in use, permanent damage can result. Small children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable. Sadly, the use of LRAD sound cannons is becoming more common. In fact, they have even been used to break up college block parties.

So is this the kind of world that you want to live in?

Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a world where liberty and freedom are all but forgotten?

This world is headed toward a very dark place. These “Big Brother” technologies are going to become even more pervasive and even more oppressive. If this trend is not stopped now, someday these technologies will get into some very evil hands, and then all hell will be unleashed.

So what do all of you think about these “Big Brother” technologies? Please feel free to post a comment with your opinion below….