Tag Archives: Peter Cooper

Why Gold and Silver will Ultimately Prove to be the Best Safe Haven Assets in the Coming Financial Storm

by Peter Cooper, Arabian Money:

Suddenly the calm is over and the storm is upon us, at least in the North West USA if not yet in financial markets. That said the trouble brewing in those markets looks about to turn into a once-in-100-year storm too.

US political instability is a frightening prospect but that looms large with a very close race for the White House and uncertainty over the composition of the legislature after the elections on November 6th. The automatic austerity of the US ‘fiscal cliff’ on January 1st is far from being automatically avoided and markets loathe this sort of uncertainty.

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How euro money printing is going to drive up gold and silver prices

By: Peter Cooper, Arabian Money:

Those investors panicking now and selling their gold and silver will feel as sick as dogs when they see what happens next to prices. For after a bleak patch lasting at most a couple of months the eurozone authorities will start their money printing presses rolling and hey what is the one money that they can never print?

We saw the start of the European Central Bank’s money printing with the announcement of the $1.3 trillion LTRO program last Christmas. It worked and rallied markets for a few months, rather less than QE2 from the Fed. And that is the dynamic of money printing.

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