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We Will Be Returning!

Good day followers.

I will be returning. We believe this website will be hosted by word press at

Unfortunately we have decided to go back to a free site as no support was given on the paid site so I shut down a lot of our extra information we provided and video.
But however we will be back and just updating important news that we know you want to hear. See you soon!

Buy Physical.

Will We Be Here In 2013

Lots of thought is going into this topic but I am thinking of shutting down this site or at least going back to a standard.

If we keep this site alive you can find it at

The reason behind this is, whilst we love sharing vital information with you. I think it’s time I put more effort into myself and get ready with new prepping ideas and make sure I walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

For 2 years we have gained a nice little audience and I thank you for your support and it’s been a fun ride through it all. But I have lots to do and very little time to keep you all updated and in the loop. To be honest I have been so busy I have found my self falling out of the loop. 😉

If we choose to keep this site active don’t forget to bookmark it.
We have a cloud based service which we will keep active from pogoplug but apart from that revenue for this website is negative and is costing me to much since to be honest I have covered all costs 100% my self.

But thanks again. We look forward to seeing you in the future, it’s been a fun ride. Hopefully we will keep this service alive, at least as a free service.

Sorry We Have Been Inactive

Been working on some new updates and tools for the website.

Thanks for your patience. Book mark this website. Updates will be coming soon.

Please remember we do this 100% free and we try as best we can to get you the most important information when it comes.

Thanks and god bless.

Survival Hand Book Guide – Recreated!

So for the last few months we have been hosting survival guides in which you can download or keep tabs on your iPhone, Androids, PC’s and access at anytime. However the downside was it didn’t support Apple Mac correctly, Now we can support all users!

Through out the website you will see this image:

Once the image has been clicked you will directed to our new Pogoplug cloud:

At this link you will be able to view Numerous links, Articles, Tips, PDF’s, Audio Files on preparations for many different reasons.

It has been live now for 2 days, And down the track we will be adding many many many more files and documents to the cloud.

In the event that the cloud may be attacked, we have a back up cloud hosted on our own server. Whilst upload speed from this server that we self host is incredibly slow for high end users we will only be implementing it at a final stage of information sharing. Until then, Enjoy.

To Come: The ability to upload to our server, Your own documents, PDF’s, Audio Clips etc.


Ability To Upload Files:


UPLOAD RULES/Preferences :
Please keep Uploading Of File Size For PDF’s Below 10MB each.

Audio Clips Compressed To Below 5MB If Possible For Below 20 Mins, 15MB for Audio Clips Up to 1 Hour



Donations and Cloud Storage

We are doing this for you.

The cloud only has 4GB allowance. If you are able to donate to us, we would be highly grateful for your support, also we are then able to increase the allowance.

30GB STORAGE = $4.95 / month
100GB STORAGE = $14.95 / month
1000GB STORAGE = $59.95 / month
Whilst storage space is limited we reserve the right to delete any files or folders that may not be suitable for the cloud.

Perth Mint 10 Oz Silver Dragon Porn

[ED NOTE: This is just our latest purchase from the company Ainsliebullion hope you like the coins as much as we do.]


Ainsliebullion Website Review – Buy Gold Silver

ED NOTE: We did a quick review of our bullion dealer locally – Hopefully it will be able to get a bit more attention especially while the price of commodities is on special. Thanks for viewing and we hope you learn something interesting and have great success with the company and their easy to use website.

Join The Newly Created Forum
Join Pressforactivism Forum

So you got something to say, Got something on your chest you want the whole world to see but you just don’t know where to post it. Well that’s where the internet comes into play and with the latest special forces at play they are trying to silence us from spreading news, being angry about something that means something to us. We all have something to say, That politician thats passing laws in your state that you completely disagree. Or you latest Bear Grylls suvival technique you just came across. Share it at the community at Pressforactivism Forum

Its simple to use, Just register find your title and start posting (Be sure to read the introductions page first to block bots)

If the title subject line your after Isn’t there send us a PM on the forum and we will add it to there within no time 😉

Its still a new forum and we are expanding on it greatly – Pressforactivism Forum

SO i invite you to come be apart of the community and chat with locals around the world just like you – Pressforactivism Forum

All the best and hope to see you there Pressforactivism Forum,



2012 April 19 19:09:17 UTC

Earthquake Details

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 19:09:17 UTC
Friday, April 20, 2012 at 05:09:17 AM at epicenter
35.291°S, 148.533°E
0 km (~0 mile) (poorly constrained)
54 km (34 miles) W (271°) from CANBERRA, Australia
287 km (179 miles) SW (236°) from Sydney, Australia
379 km (235 miles) SW (229°) from Lake Macquarie, Australia
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 42.4 km (26.3 miles); depth +/- 12.9 km (8.0 miles)
Nph= 0, Dmin=0 km, Rmss=0.98 sec, Gp= 0,
M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=4
Magnitude: Geoscience Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Location: Geoscience Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Event ID


Rather Large Red Ring – Western Australia
So, Its not everyday we see an event like this. However it is becoming extremely frequent these days. So what is it?
That is whats going to puzzle me and many of the viewers here. But Ill be honest – We will get to the bottom of this.
So below is the original photo  – You can see the time stamp on it. Its from the website not tampered with.
Lets take a closer look.
Now what the F*** is that – and its in my country. There had better be some explaining done about this!
No but seriously isn’t that a bit freaky. So before we start blaming the government and HAARP. Lets take a few deep breaths step back and take another look. Don’t hold your breath to long however – We know how the story ends.
So sit back, Relax and come back very soon for an update on this – and where this could be heading for weather complications.
I’m not saying this is the effect. However I’m sharing this information. See you again soon, and be safe!

Yes We Are Listening To You – Help Us Out

So it’s that time of year again, The time where we want you to help us, so we can better help you. Below is our short quick link answer where you can let us know what you think about our site, How we can improve.

You know we always love to bring you the latest content from those credible sources and also provide unique content to those who visit WRC559. So why not give us what you have, Let us know what you want to see at – What bugs you about and or what you love/hate about it. How is anyone meant to improve if we never receive any feedback, huh?

So Polls open 10/04/12 – we will close it on the 30/04/12 – So get voting and get your friends voting.

The Coming False Flag Alien Invasion.
ED NOTE: Those who are regular visitor the WRC559 should know by now that an alien invasion is not something new. The fact that our own government has been for decades trying to perfect the best possible alien invasion that will wrap the world under their control. Many like to call it the NEW WORLD ORDER. The new world order consists of Global Government, Global Currency, and A new Global Religion. Below we have attached a few articles and videos that have recently come out, which will help you get a better understanding of what Project Blue beam and this highly increasing chance of a Alien Invasion (Which we believe from the facts will be staged to complete “their” agenda).

False Flag alert Alien invasion

2012 Prepare for the Alien Invasion? First Contact?

Paul Krugman Suggests A Fake alien Invasion To Fix The Economy

So whats all this hype about Project Blue Beam that every crazy “conspiracy theorist” is talking about? Well, Ill show you below what its all about.

Alex Jones Project Bluebeam Possible Alien Invasion 2010 George Noory David Icke

Alex Jones And David Icke Project Bluebeam UFO Disclosure 10-14-10.

“Project Blue Beam & The Metaphysical Freedom Fighters”

So now that you know the basic of what is potentially earths greatest false flag event, You should take this information and educate your self even more and help let others know that the growing threat of an alien invasion is possible however its not exactly what we think it is. If the system was so convinced that aliens existed why have they covered up every single piece of evidence they

Gold Buyers Australia – We Buy Gold

Gold Buyers Australia has been a proud supporter of the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) since May 2000 which has been led by eminent gynaecological oncology specialist, Chairman/Co-Founder Associate Professor Thomas Jobling and CEO/Co-Founder Liz Heliotis.

A gynaecological cancer, cancer of the ovaries is one of the most common cancers affecting women and is often detected in the advanced stage of the disease, resulting in a high mortality rate. Source

Now whilst both protecting women against cancer and owning gold may both be important to our everyday life and our future. Is it really something that should be combined. We know that many companies have used propaganda to make users both sell and buy items that consumers both don’t need to either sell or buy.

As you can see in the short clip from the AlexJonesChannel on YouTube Edward Bernays Propaganda, On how to control the masses. Now I’m not saying that Gold Buyers Australia is trying to control the population into selling gold, however i do believe that partnering up with cancer funds is both using emotion and pulse to maximize the amount of goods that they can take from the customers when they trade their Gold.

As seen above. It can be done – has been done – is still being done.

“By leaving your gem stones at Gold Buyers Australia when you sell your gold you’re helping to prosper ovarian cancer research. Gold Buyers Australia donate the full proceeds from the sale of the gem stones directly to the OCRF.” Source

Now in the time of need that millions around Australia should be actually looking at purchasing gold and or silver hundreds of these little kiosks will pop up around all shopping malls trying to do nothing but take you from your gold and give you nothing but a few cents on the dollar. We cannot stress anything more then NOT to sell you gold. Whilst many believe that the GOLD BUBBLE has popped, we believe its only beginning. Something you should think about is – Why would all these Gold Buyers Australia kiosks keep opening up trying to rape you of your metals if the bubble has popped. Don’t you think that they would be trying to sell the gold back to you?

Not only has Gold Buyers Australia been a huge hit to buying your gold. In the last 6 Months Cash Converters has also been another huge hit popping up around Australia with signs such as the one we posted above attempting to buy from the suckers at $25 per gram of *PURE* 999 Gold, whilst the current price as on this day of writing the per gram price of gold is sitting at $51.27. At half price you are selling your gold back to the system. What a brighter way to take the gold from the people then to advertise as such amazing prices for buy backs right? 😉

So what can you do?

Well i know what i am doing, that is walking directly past these companies and exposing them for the fraud they are.

With Gold Buyers Australia – You are not supporting Cancer. Your only supporting cancer when you donate your gem stones to them and 100% of the gold you sell to them, stays with them. What I would be doing is completely ignoring this company – Call them out for the fraud they are.

As for Cash Converters – Dont sell your gold from $25.00 a gram. You life many depend on it one day. As a matter of fact – You should be heavily looking into buying more gold. If these companies are so eager to get your gold, What does that tell you about the way gold is going to go?

Disclaimer: We are not your financial advisers and what you choose to do at the end of the day is up to you. Just take into account the information that’s freely available on this website and let that be a guide to help you with your end decision.

Chris Geo – Global Resistance Free
Rise Up – Victory Is Within Our Grasp

Download the full album now for FREE!

1. The Movement – (Music/Lyrics by Chris Geo)

2. Run This Town – Truth Mix- (Chris & Sheree)

3. Repeaters (Music by MAC – feat -David Icke)

4. We’re In Trouble (Music by MAC / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

5. New World Order (Music by MAC / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

6. Mad As Hell (Music by MAC / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

7. Global Resistance (Music by MAC / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

8. Greek Revolution (Music by MAC / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

9. Hurt (Music/Lyrics by Chris Geo – feat – Johnny Cash – lead guitar by Creat3d)

10. Mad World (Music/Lyrics by Chris Geo – feat- Gary Jules)

11. Consciousness (Music/Lyrics by Chris Geo – feat – Crystallo)

12. Sheep’s Eyes (Music by Dead Giveaway / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

13. We’re In Trouble (Music by MAC / Lyrics by Chris Geo)

Bonus Track : “Cointelpro” Featuring – Chris Geo, Payday Monsanto, Paranoid, Sheree & Bliss w/ music by MAC

Doomsday Bunkers – WRC559 Exclusive

[Videos Removed Due To Copyright]

About The Show

Scott Bales and his company Deep Earth Bunker build custom shelters for “Prepper” clients.

Doomsday Bunkers features the design and build of survival units with a reveal of the completed project at the end of each episode.

From sizable underground bunkers with safety measures that include outside hand rails with hidden flame throwers, to special safety structures that include the Pyramid and Tsunami pods, each unit is tested using a battery of attacks that include firearms, fire, and falling vehicles.

Each episode is a beginning to end “how to” and “why to” build the ultimate safety zone for those preparing for the worst.

[ED Note: Listings are public for 72 Hours, Help spread the word about WRC559]

Doomsday Bunkers Trailer

Doomsday Bunkers S01E01 Bunkers, Bullets and Blast Doors.

Doomsday Bunkers S01 E02 Pyramid Pod, Booby-Trapped Bunker.

Doomsday Bunkers S01E03 Tsunami Pod, Nuclear Fallout Shelter

Doomsday Preppers – WRC559 Exclusive.

[Videos Removed Due To Copyright]

About the Show

Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life’s uncertainties. And with our expert’s assessment, they will find out their chances of survival if their worst fears become a reality.

Doomsday Preppers S01 Commercial Trailer

Doomsday Preppers S01E01 Are You Prepared

Doomsday Preppers S01E02 Bullets, Lots Of Bullets

Doomsday Preppers S01E03 I Hope I Am Crazy

Doomsday Preppers S01E04 Back To The Stone Age

Doomsday Preppers S01E05 You Shall Not Fear

Doomsday Preppers S01E06 Nine Meals Away From Anarchy

Doomsday Preppers S01E07 Into The Spider Hole

Doomsday Preppers S01E08 It’s Gonna Get Worse

Doomsday Preppers S01E09 Close The Door, Load The Shotgun

Doomsday Preppers S01E10 Disaster Doesn’t Wait

Doomsday Preppers S01E11 I Suggest We Run


Doomsday Preppers S01E12 Extreme Prep Edition

Share this website with your friends.

Help Us Appear In TruthSeeker


TruthSeeker is an iOS, Android, BADA application built on delivering you the latest in news from alternative media websites.

The application originally built by BAPPZ is set to be the next big hit in your one stop source for alternative media.

Currently featuring “Alex Jones, BlackOps Radio, AntiWar Radio, The Corbett Report and The Unexplained with Howard Hughes plus others and online news including feeds from Max Keiser, Guernica, Wikileaks, InfoWars, Craig Murray, Prison Planet, David Icke and” – WRC559 also available at wants to be the next to appear in this application and we need your help to spread the word and help us get our permanent appearance in this application.

“Truthseeker has no political agenda.” “Truthseeker is for discerning news junkies that don’t buy the line fed by today’s corporate controlled media. This app is free and a source of many alternative news sources, Podcasts, radio and web links.”


You can download the application by visiting your Application Store or visit these links for


Get it for Android, bada and iPhone.



So, How can you help?

Simply Tweet @TruthSeekerApp Help Feature @Wearechangebris #WRC559


As the world turns: the beginning of World War III

Alex Lindberg
March 30, 2012
Filed under World & Nation

*Disclaimer: This article is from an April Fool’s issue*

Silence filled the air as President Barack Obama announced the tragic news to the American people earlier this week.

“Yesterday I spoke to the Chinese president Hu Jintao, who has insisted that either we apologize for our violence against the world, or be prepared for all-out war against China,” Obama stated gravely. “After several hours of debating — and some obscene comments on both parts — I have decided that the only way the U.S. will apologize is if China released its tyrannical hold over Tibet.”

“Today, at 5:19 a.m., I received word that the Chinese military has attacked and obliterated a U.S. army outpost, thus declaring war on our country,” Obama continued. “We will not let such blatant disrespect and violence go unpunished. President Jintao will regret his actions.”

The President went on to say that Jintao’s actions were uncalled for, and that an attack is currently underway to neutralize the Chinese forces. However, the panic did not begin until the next bit of news, which stated that in order to combat China’s large military, Congress has reinstated the draft.

All men over the age of 18 and younger than 60 will become eligible to participate in combat.

This is the first time since the Vietnam War that such drastic measures have been taken, and the American people are outraged by the Congressional decision. However, as with the last draft, students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, people with disabilities and pacifists will be exempt from the selection.

“Well, I was intending to graduate next year and go work for my father,” said junior Aaron Reach. “But now I’m purposefully dropping classes so I can stay in school and won’t get drafted.”

This is not the only example of people trying to draft dodge. In fact, it is expected that school retention rates and student enrollment will be at an all-time high for the next few years as people are trying to avoid the war. Not everyone, however, is actively trying to avoid the draft; in fact, there are many who are actively supporting the war effort.

“It would be an honor for me to sacrifice my body and mind and various other extremities for the glory of the U.S.A.” said senior Bryan Jon, and there are many who agree with him. Already the Guilford College administration has received numerous student requests to drop out to join the war effort.

“AK-47s, kill-teams, and Guilford College — it might seem strange to have those words in the same sentence,” said President and Professor of Political Science Kent Chabotar. “But the times they are a-changin.”

“All American citizens should be doing their part to aid the country in its time of need,” commented White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to CNN. “And that time is right now. With a trade embargo against China, we will not be receiving as many goods, and our economy is in for a rough time for the next few months. We want everyone to know that, as long as we hold together, we’re going to show them the power of the U.S.A. Just who the hell do they think we are?!”

Already many citizens have abandoned the Occupy movement to start anti-war protests all over the country, the largest of which is located outside of the White House in Washington, D.C. Many Guilford students have petitioned the Guilford administration to allow them to attend the peaceful demonstrations, but the administration refuses to take a public stance on the issue. However, they have agreed to change next year’s Serendipity to a pseudo-Woodstock reenactment.

“(The administration) is just afraid to lose more government funding,” said first-year Kristy Korra. “But our politicians need to know that the American people do not agree with this war. The real problem though, is that we have no really good chants against this battle yet. I mean ‘Hey, hey, Obama, how many kids did you kill today?’ just doesn’t have a good ring to it.”

The tension between the nations is already on the rise, as no other countries have turned to side with either nation. Even the U.N. has voiced concern over the fighting super-powers and the possible use of nuclear weaponry. Though both countries have vowed not to use any weapons of mass destruction during the war, people are still waiting in silent fear as President Obama’s retaliation has yet to be seen.

Those Who Do Not Support Earth Hour.

Climate Nonconformist

8.30: With the enviro-crowd wiping their conscience clean of that eco-guilt from their hypocritical lifestyles, myself and others celebrating Human Achievement Hour will be protesting their protest. To do my part (to borrow the rhetoric of the environmental movement), I have turned the lights on in every room of the house, switched the gas heater on, despite the rather mild conditions, and turned the TV on quite loud, listening to Brian Taylor’s commentary of Geelong’s first match of the season. It’s not going so well. Long story short, I lost my sprite as Fremantle kicked the first five goals, though things have improved. Still, without electricity, I wouldn’t even know what was going on in Perth, 3400km away. Thanks, modern technology.

8.35: As Geelong claw their way back into the contest, I re-read Ross McKitrick’s tribute to modern civilisation.

Earth Hour celebrates ignorance, poverty and backwardness. By repudiating the greatest engine of liberation it

View original post 854 more words